Complaints Procedure

Here at Phoenix Insolvency Practitioners limited we do everything we can to make sure our customers get the best service possible. However, if you are unhappy, for any reasons, we will address any issues raised as soon as possible.

How and Where to Complain:

If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service you can tell us about your complaint in the following ways:

Written Complaints:  Complaints, Phoenix Insolvency, Earl Business Centre, Dowry Street, Oldham, OL8 2PF.

Telephone Complaints:  0161 249 9549 – Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Email Complaints:

How Long Will it Take:

We aim to resolve your complaint straightaway but if we can’t, then we will write to you within three business days of receipt to confirm:

  • receipt of your complaint;
  • who is dealing with your complaint; and
  • when we will contact you again.

We will aim to resolve your complaint quickly, but it may take longer if it is complex.  We will issue a final response within eight weeks of receipt of the complaint.

We will keep you informed on a regular basis but if you need an update, please call us on 0161 249 9549 and ask to speak to the person handling your complaint

If We Cannot Reach agreement with you:

If we cannot reach agreement with you then you can contact the Insolvency Complaints Gateway by:

Catherine Varney is authorised by the Institute of Chartered Accountant in England and Wales (ICAEW) and can be contacted at the following address:

ICAEW, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, Moorgate Place, London, EC2R 6EA

Useful Links: